School Games Gold Award 2021-22
Days Lane received the Gold Recognition Award for our high level of commitment and participation in the School Games Program.
We are on track to achieve the platinum School Games award by 2023/24.
Sporting Success 2022-23
- Girls Kent Champions
- Girls Borough Champions
- Boys Borough finalists
Sporting Success 2021/22
- Girls National Champions
- Girls South East Regional Champions
- Girls Borough Champions
- Girls London Games semi-finalists
- Boys Bexley 7-a-side semi-finalists
- Boys 5-a-side semi-finalists
- Semi-finalists - summer 2022
- Heat winners - summer 2022
Sporting Success 2020-21
Bexley Virtual Games Winners
- Quadkids
- Tag Rugby
- Basketball
Sporting Success 2019.20
- Bexley winners of level 2 athletics competition (November 2019)
- Heat winners (November 2019)
- Bexley Main cup quarter-finalists (March 2020)
- Bexley 7-a-side semi-finalists (October 2019)
Sporting Success 2018.19
- League runners up (March 2019)
- Bexley winners of level 2 athletics competition (November 2018)
- Heat winners (November 2018)
Tag Rugby:
- Bexley winners of level 2 tag rugby borough tournament (March 2019)
- Bexley 7-a-side winners (October 2018)
- Bexley Borough 5-a-side cup winners (March 2018)
- Bexley borough 7-a-side cup winners (April 2018)
- Bexley B Team 7-a-side winners (December 2018)
Sporting Success 2017 - 18
- Bexley winners of level 2 athletics competition (November 2017)
- Heat winners (November 2017)
Tag Rugby:
- Bexley winners of level 2 tag rugby borough tournament (October 2017)
- Bexley B Team 7-a-side winners (December 2017)
- Bexley borough 7-a-side finals 5th place (October 2017)
- Bexley Year 5 cup winners (May 2017)


Sports Clubs at Days Lane
- Tag rugby
- Netball
- Football (Days Lane)
- Football (Pro Futures)
- Pro-Futures (a range of sports - including lunchtime clubs)
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Multi-sports
Sporting Links
The school has developed excellent links with local clubs including: Arsenal Football Club, Bexley Cricket Club and Sidcup Rugby Club, who provide expertise in coaching. The school continues to expand its sporting links and provide varied and meaningful sporting opportunities for children, and have recently developed links with a local hockey club (colts section), and is currently liaising with Welling United, in order to plan further enriching learning experiences for children across the curriculum.
Year 6 Bikeability
Days Lane offers a bikeability (level 2) training programme to all Year 6 children in the Autumn term. Those who enroll on the programme will have the opportunity to gain the necessary practical skills and confidence to enable them to independently cycle to school.
Level 2
Level 2 takes place on local streets, giving trainees a real cycling experience. Trainees learn how to deal with traffic on short journeys such as cycling to school or the local shops. Trainees are usually trained in small groups – up to 6 trainees per instructor – though individual training may also be available. At Level 2 you can:
- prepare for on-road cycling
- start and finish an on-road journey
- recognise typical hazards
- let others know what you are about to do
- know where to ride on the road
- pass parked vehicles and side roads
If your child has passed thier level 2 Bikeability training, and would like to ride to school, please contact Miss Worrell for a cycling permit.
