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Geography Assessment Framework and Topiz Quiz (samples)

Review and Recall

Children are provided with continuous opportunitites to recall prior learning at the start of every lesson via a 'review and recall' slide (see Year 2 example below).

  • Recapping knowledge that was taught in previous years (what did I learn in the past?) is mapped out for each year group - see 'Review and Recall' document below. Where possible, review and recall topics have been mapped out to link to current learning so that children can apply and build upon their prior knowledge.
  • End of topic quizzes and ongoing formative assessment informs the recapping of more recent topics (what did I learn this year?) and (what did I learn last week?).
  •  Gap analysis of end of topic quizzes take place to identify learning gaps, which are addressed during future 'Review and Recall' slides, at the beginning of lessons.

Local Studies

In Year 1, the children take a bus ride to Danson Park and then survey the public to identify the main uses of the park.  

In Year 2, the children go on a local ara walk to investigate the human and pysical featres. They then use their learning to create a travel brouche for Barnaby Bear. The local area walk also links to the chidlren's DT topic where they learn about free standing structures and design items for a playground area for Holly Oak Wood Park. 

In Year 4, for part of their topic 'Why is the Earth So Angry?", the children are posed with the following enquiry question: Are natural disasters a problem in our area?

In order to answer the question, the children study maps of the local area and the physical features. 

They also look at natural disasters that have occurred in our area, like the flooding of a local primary school, and examine why this occurred.