SEND at Days Lane
Days Lane Primary School adopts an inclusive approach, providing adaptations to the learning environment and curriculum where necessary for the individual needs of our children. Learning tasks are adapted to ensure all children can access their learning. Where a child has difficulties accessing the curriculum independently, additional measures and strategies are discussed and put into place. For example, they may be identified to take part in a targeted intervention to support the development of a particular skill or may require a bespoke curriculum, which is personalised to their learning needs.
We hold a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs should be offered inclusive teaching, which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. We offer a range of provision to support children with Special Educational Needs. The support deployed will be tailored to individual needs following thorough assessment, both internally and via external agencies. It will be designed to support pupils towards becoming independent and resilient learners and should not be seen in isolation.
Equality Statement
Bexley Local Offer - The SEND Local Offer website offers information about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services for children and young people aged 0-25 in Bexley: https://www.bexleylocaloffer.
Education Health Care Plans
Bexley Advisory Services
Personalised Learning
Teachers use a range of resources and strategies to personalise children's learning so that that have access the Days Lane curriculum. Some examples of how we personalise learning can be seen below:
Widgits: Widgit symbols are used to reinforce language for pupils who have difficulites within this area. They are used in a variety of ways including cloze procedures, as the example shows below.
Practical activities: Some activities are adapted to remove specific barriers for children so that they can acquire new knowledge and skills and evidence these. For example, when learning about the Iron Age, some children in Year 3 built their own hill forts out of lego and then placed key vocabulary (widgit labels) around their design to evidence their learning.
Pictorial Resources:
Images of mathematical strategies are often used to help children remember procedural steps.
Picture word banks are used to offer children visual support, which enables them to access key vocabulary.
Differentiated Knowledge Mats: Knowledge mats outline the key knowledge and vocabulary that is taught throughout a specific topic. To enable all children to access key information related to the topic, knowledge mats are adapted, depending on the need of the child.
Additional Scaffolding:
Further information on Interventions
Please see below further information regarding SEND inteventions at Days Lane:
To aid children's transition into school, we provide the following small group daily interventions:
Mindful Mornings: A small group of children attend 'mindful mornings' before school and participate in a range of mindfulness activities, including puzzles, colouring and listening to calm, stimulating music . This environment helps our chidlren create a positive frame of mind and improves their ability to focus and learn.
Sensory Circuits: Children attend sensory circuits during registration and participate in sensory based activities to support their readiness learn.
Our KS2 Provision Class (The Ark)
The Ark Provision
At Days Lane, we run a small provision class for KS2 pupils within Days Lane, who benefit from highly personalised curriculum. All of the chidlren within the Ark have an Education Healthcare Plan or are in the process of receiving one.
Extracts for Parent Newsletter
In the Ark, the children have been reading ‘The Little Glow’ and exploring the theme of light. To deepen their understanding of the impact of light and the vocabulary from the story, the children experimented with different light sources. This week they focussed on glowing and discovered how powerful and exciting a little glow can be!
This week the children in our Ark visited our local allotments to support their learning related to the text ‘Pumpkin Soap’ by Helen Cooper. During their visit, they learnt about the vegetables that grow during the autumn. They then made pumpkin soup and used this experience to help them write a set of instructions for others to follow. Both Mrs Kenward and Mr Lang were lucky enough to taste the soup.