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Writing at Days Lane

Writing Assessment Frameworks

Talk For Writing

Talk for Writing – Everyone deserves the taste of successAt Days Lane, our aim is that all children love English and are excited to read, write and express themselves. In order to achieve this, we follow Talk for Writing (TFW) as a whole school, a cumulative and systematic process for the teaching of English. 

Talk for Writing fundamentally teaches children how to be writers – not just how to write. It supports children to be able to generate ideas, draw upon their reading and writing confidently for a variety of audiences and purposes. The methodology follows a three-tier pattern: Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application. During the imitation stage, children get to know a text really well by orally learning it, exploring it through drama and then reading it for vocabulary, comprehension and writer tools. The Innovation stage is grounded in the processes of shared writing, with a strong and systematic focus on securing the basics of handwriting, phonics/spelling and grammar in relation to what is needed for the text type being taught. The final stage, Independent Application, promotes children to draft, edit and publish their own independent versions.

Below is an example of how children use story maps and oracy to develop their vocabulary, understanding of structural techniques and a range of other writing skills.   

Click on the link to listen to Year 5 orally retelling of 'The caravan': https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-T26RnFOvrJIE_f_PRcJ2XwNX13Smp_J/view?usp=sharing

Writing Assessment

Each unit of work starts with a cold task (pre-assessment) and ends with a hot task, so that children's progress can be tracked over the course of their learning journey. Examples of cold and hot tasks can be found below: