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Nursery Admission September 2025

Days Lane will be offering 39 places in our Nursery next year.

The following Nursery sessions will be available:

  • 30 hours  - 6 hours daily, plus lunch (at a cost) from 08:30 - 15:30
  • 15 hours - 3 hours daily, 5 mornings only from 8:30 - 11.30.

Children will be admitted in September 2025 according to the Nursery Admissions Policy and subject to spaces being available.


Parents must complete and submit the schools own electronic application form, available via this LINK.

Our parent open mornings can be booked via the Home page

The school does NOT accept any Bexley admission application forms.

Applications must be submitted by 4pm on 7 March 2025. Parents will be informed of the outcome of their application via email on 26 March 2025   

The Nursery Admissions Policy is available here

Nursery Presentation 2024-2025

Reception Admissions September 2025

Days Lane is a popular, oversubscibed three form entry school. We pride ourselves on the excellent behaviour and attitudes of our pupils and the broad, rich curriculum that we provide them with, as well as our high academic standards. Admission to the school is dealt with by the Bexley Admission Team. If your child will be 5 years old, between 1/9/2025 and 31/8/2026, you will need to apply for their school place by 15 January 2025 and you will be notified of the account from Bexley Admissions on16th April 2025.


Information on how you need to apply is available on the Bexley Council Website.

When the Local Education Authority has confirmed the allocation of places at Days Lane, we will contact parents/ carers to outline our induction programme.  Parents have the right to appeal against a decision through the independent appeals procedure administered by the Bexley Admissions Team.

Open days for prospective Reception parents with children starting school in September 2025 are being held on the following dates, please click on the date below to book your place:


Admissions Policy 

Admissions Dates and Appeals Timetables

Reception Presentation 2024-2025

In Year Admissions

Days Lane Primary School

In Year Admissions Protocol


An application can be made for a place at Days Lane Primary School for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. Applications can be made using the online form available via this LINK

Where there are places available, but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in our Admissions Policy will be applied. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements policy carefully before making their application. If there are no places available, your child will be added to our waiting list.  

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application, in writing, within 15 school days of receipt of the application being submitted. If you have any questions in relation to your in-year application, please contact the schools Admissions Officer via admissions@dayslaneprimary.co.uk 

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