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Computing at Days Lane

Assessment Framework

  • Assessment Framework have been designed for every Computing topic to outline the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary that children will be assessed against throughout the unit.
  • Children complete mini projects/ activities on Purple Mash, which provide varying levels of challenge as they work through each stage. This is used to assess children's progress within each unit of work.  

Please see an example of a Computing Assessment Framework below:

Pupil Voice

Extract from a Parent Newsletter:

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an award-winning online learning portal for children, it enables them to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. Days Lane has invested in this for our students to use and benefit from both at home and at school.  

Below is a screenshot of the log in page when you first browse the website; all students have already been provided with login details and are familiar with the site having used it from school throughout the year.


Click Log in to go to the site

Parent Esaftey Workshop

  • Digital Leaders - Please click on the 'Pupil Voice' tab.

Wake Up Wednesday

Every Wednesday we send parents the latest guide online safety guide provided by NOS, which gives expert advice on the latest platforms and online risks that parents and carers need to know about. 


Linked Information

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